
Attendance Phone: 250-477-1804

Attendance EmailEmail

What should you do if your child is going to be absent from school?

If your child is absent, please call the Frank Hobbs “Attendance Line”  250-477-1804 or email: before 8:40 a.m. to report the absence.  Please include your child’s first and last name, grade, division and teacher’s name.

Frank Hobbs uses Synrevoice, an automated communication system. One use of this system is as an attendance tool.  If your child is absent and we haven’t received notification of that absence, you will receive an automated Synrevoice call.

Synrevoice is also helpful in the case of an emergency or unexpected situation. It allows us to notify Frank Hobbs families and get information out directly and quickly!

What should you do if your child is late for school or is picked up before the end of the day?

If your child is late, he/she should come in the front doors of the school.  Office staff will provide a late slip for the child and note the time of arrival.

If your child is picked up before the end of the day, please sign out your child with the office staff.

Something to Think About – The Importance of Attendance

Of course, the best place for your child if he/she is ill is home!  However, children sometimes miss school for reasons other than illness.  Did you know?  Research shows that when a student is absent more than 20% of the school year, the student has only a 1 in 6 chance of graduating from high school with his/her peer group.

School classrooms have changed, with an increased emphasis on interactive learning and participation. Missed time is therefore difficult and often impossible to make up, even when work is sent home.

Lateness makes a difference, too!  If a child, is frequently even 10 minutes late for school, he/she can miss valuable time spent on preparation or organizational tasks or even the key concepts of the day’s first lesson.

Attending school regularly and being on time are two of the most important keys to success!

1 or 2 days a week doesn’t seem like much but…
If your child misses… That equals… Which is… Over 13 years of schooling that’s…
1 day every 2 weeks 20 days per year 4 weeks per year Nearly  1 ½ years
1 day per week 40 days per year 8 weeks per year Over  2 ½ years of school
2 days per week 80 days per year 16 weeks per year Over  5 years
3 days per week 120 days per year 24 weeks per year Nearly  8 years
How about 10 minutes late a day? Surely that won’t affect my child?
They are only missing just… That equals… Which is… Over 13 years of schooling that’s…
10 mins per day 50 mins per week Nearly 1 ½ weeks per year Nearly  ½ year
20 mins per day 1 hr. 40 mins per week Over 2 ½ weeks per year Nearly  1 year
30 mins per day Half a day per week 4 weeks per year Nearly  1 ½ years
1 hour per day 1 day per week 8 weeks per year Over  2 ½ years
If you want your child to be successful at school then, YES, attendance does matter!